Our services.



The key to successful outcomes is meticulous planning. In our experience this is best captured and documented in the various business case stages and the associated assurance gateways.  We have developed business cases for a diverse range of projects in the health, social outcomes, education and tourism sectors.

Underpinning our approach to all business cases is a series of simple questions – where are we now, where do we want to be and how do we get there – often facilitated using Investment Logic Mapping workshops. In this way we can clearly demonstrate and articulate the links between service need, solutions and benefits – be they qualitative or quantitative, social or economic.



Our vision is to work in partnership with the public and private sectors to co-design sustainable solutions. We are highly skilled in developing scalable and nimble transaction processes that reflect the nature of the infrastructure solution or services and outcomes required.

This is best reflected in our ability to manage major infrastructure transactions such as Queens Wharf Brisbane and Sunshine Coast University Hospital while also driving social outcomes co-design based transactions such as Borallon and DFV. Our combined experience is currently seeing us leading an interim demand strategy  transaction process focused on meeting bed pressures for a major Hospital and Health Service .


Careful planning and transaction processes can easily be undone by poor implementation. While we are not ‘delivery’ project managers in the purest sense of the word, we understand enough about project implementation and delivery to set projects up for success as evidenced by our roles on projects such as Queens Wharf Brisbane and Sunshine Coast University Hospital.

Increasingly our experience in navigating government approval processes is resulting in us working closely with private sector proponents to assist them in establishing robust pathways to implementing their solutions – Carbon Abatement. We have also been asked by several private sector organisations to review and comment on their own implementation capability and capacity.



Our experience across multiple sectors encompassing all stages of a project lifecycle means we are regularly asked to undertake assurance reviews. Our reviews have included projects in the health, social outcomes, education, justice and tourism sectors. We are continuing to be asked to lead review teams and have undertaken assurance reviews for:

  • Infrastructure NSW

  • Health Infrastructure NSW

  • Schools Infrastructure NSW

  • Department of Treasury and Finance Victoria

  • SA Health

  • Infrastructure SA

  • Several private health providers

  • Victorian Department of Treasury and Finance

  • New Zealand Treasury


Learn more about how we can help at all stages of the project process.