Yurol and Ringtail State Forests Carbon Abatement Interest
The Department of Environment and Science (the Department) is a partner in a project to rehabilitate forestry plantation areas in Yurol and Ringtail State Forests and convert them to protected area tenure (the Project), staged over a 10-year period.
This ground-breaking Project will transition over 2,400 ha of state forest including ex-pine and ex-hardwood plantations to national park over the next 10 years. The Project is a successful collaboration between the State government, Noosa Shire Council, Noosa Parks Association and HQ Plantations.
The overriding objective of the Project is the restoration of koala habitat on Yurol and Ringtail State Forests and their future dedication as protected areas under the Nature Conservation Act 1992. Roger has recently supported QPWS in enhancing the Project’s economic and social outcomes. This involves the inclusion of the Noosa and District Landcare Group incorporating traineeships and skill developments for Kabi Kabi First Nations People.
In addition, the Project now includes a not-for profit organisation, Greenfleet, who are proposing to undertake approximately $4.5M worth of tree planting, natural regeneration, maintenance and other habitat restoration works in exchange for carbon rights on the affected land (Carbon Abatement Interests).
These rights would apply while the land remains state forest and when the land is transferred to protected area. Roger led the internal evaluation processes in accordance with the governments Exclusive Transactions process with the Project having very recently achieved contract signature.