The objective of the Borallon Training and Correctional Centre (BTCC) Project is to provide offenders and the community with a safe, secure environment that promotes the rehabilitation of inmates by preparing them for successful parole and ultimately long-term desistance from crime.
P2P managed the transaction process, focused on the delivery of long term outcomes through the use of a co-design process. We developed an Evaluation Framework and KPIs for contracted providers in partnership with training providers during the co-design process, capturing realistic time periods for measuring benefits, and realistic benefits categories. The outcome of the bespoke transaction approach was that for every $1 of funding provided by Queensland Corrective Services, $5 of tangible benefits were realised
Minister Ryan said: βThe courses offered at the centre offer prisoners the chance to learn vocational skills to improve their chances of gaining employment, which will help them reintegrate with the community,β.