Borallon Training and Correction Centre

Borallon Training and Correctional Centre.

The objective of the Borallon Training and Correctional Centre (BTCC) Project is to provide offenders and the community with a safe, secure environment that promotes the rehabilitation of inmates by preparing them for successful parole and ultimately long-term desistance from crime. 

P2P managed the transaction process, focused on the delivery of long term outcomes through the use of a co-design process. We developed an Evaluation Framework and KPIs for contracted providers in partnership with training providers during the co-design process, capturing realistic time periods for measuring benefits, and realistic benefits categories. The outcome of the bespoke transaction approach was that for every $1 of funding provided by Queensland Corrective Services, $5 of tangible benefits were realised

Minister Ryan said: β€œThe courses offered at the centre offer prisoners the chance to learn vocational skills to improve their chances of gaining employment, which will help them reintegrate with the community,”.

In The Press

The success of our work at Borallon Training and Correctional Centre warranted press attention, with the project being featured on ABC radio. You can listen to the segment by clicking the button below.

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