West Moreton Service Blueprint.

At P2P we recognise that before ‘growth’ plans can be considered, all options to Transform and Optimise health service delivery must be considered. P2P, supported by a specialist advisory partner, completed a Service Blueprint which considered a range of innovative options to meeting the needs of the West Moreton Community, based on a population health planning approach. As a foundation document in the strategic planning for West Moreton Health (WMH), the Service Blueprint:

  • outlined the long-term vision for West Moreton

  • engaged key stakeholders in building and understanding the future vision

  • enabled an understanding of the level of change and associated risk that the program faced

  • provided the basis for expected outcomes and benefits.

The 2017 WMH Master Plan, based on the Service Blueprint, addressed the service need across the entire WMH catchment, identified a preferred configuration of facilities to support the future service need and proposes a staged redevelopment of facilities across the HHS.


Still want to know more?

Learn about our work on the Domestic and Family Violence Workforce Capability and Capacity program.