Princess Alexandra Hospital
Preliminary Business Case development for the rehabilitation and sub-acute services renewal project
Since 2103 we have been working with Metro South HHS to plan and develop solutions to meet their ever-increasing demand on services.
This has included a diverse range of projects and procurements most recently culminating in the development of the Preliminary Business Case (PBC) for the Princess Alexandra Hospital (PAH) Sub-Acute and Rehabilitation Services Renewal Project . During the development of the PAH Project, an extensive change management process was undertaken; a critical component given the need to separate services that had previously been collocated, and adjust wayfinding around the campus for general visitation, staff uses and even acute and sub-acute patient flows.
We supported the development of a robust change management process, including the facilitation of a range of stakeholder input workshops, capturing feedback on change impacts from patients, staff, patient representative groups, peak bodies, families, carers and executives. We developed relevant change management artefacts for the stage, including the change management plan and the change impact register, which enables the project at the DBC stage to start costing a change strategy and change management practitioners for the delivery phase.
P2P are currently working in partnership with Metro South Health and Meadowbank Health to design and deliver the federally funded Logan Minor Injury and Illness Centre.