Gateway & Assurance Reviews

Roger continues to lead multiple project and assurance reviews across all the eastern states. His reviews to date have encompassed health, education, justice and tourism projects.

He has undertaken and led over 40 Gateway and ‘health check reviews’ for Infrastructure New South Wales (INSW) and Health Infrastructure NSW. He is a regular Review Team Leader and is recognised by INSW as an Expert Reviewer.

He is currently leading a range of internal assurance reviews for Schools Infrastructure NSW, and has completed over 30 such reviews. He has also undertaken justice reviews for the Victorian Department of Treasury and Finance, education reviews for Infrastructure SA, and internal assurance reviews for private sector operators and proponents. Reflecting his understanding of Public Private Partnerships, Roger has undertaken Gateway Reviews at all Gates for the Northern Beaches Hospital Redevelopment project.

His ongoing leadership of reviews reflects his unique understanding of the technical and economic aspects of social infrastructure projects combining his architectural, legal and construction background with relevant transaction, business case and project assurance experience. Following completion of a recent Gateway Review for NSW Treasury, the feedback provided to Roger as the team leader was:

‘I would like to commend the review team on a high-quality report…in my opinion your report captures all the issues, clearly explains them even to someone who wasn’t part of the conversation and makes clear recommendations’

In addition to leading reviews Roger is highly experienced in preparing teams and projects for Gateway Reviews, ensuring that the key project benefits and unique opportunities and challenges are clearly and well-articulated to the Review Team.

Roger has also been instrumental in making projects and business cases more  presentable to assurance processes such as Gateway through the development of business case videos. Having developed 5 such videos in Queensland, P2P, working with Film Focus Productions, have developed two business case videos for major projects in NSW, including the Tweed and Griffith Hospitals.

Find out about our work in the Social Outcomes space.